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The E7 Path

Sentiero E7 | © Marco Foltry

This is one of the most striking sections of the E7 European Path, which starts in the Canary Islands and, crossing Europe, ends in Constanța. In Italy, it runs from Ventimiglia to Cividale del Friuli, touching several places in the province of Belluno that mark the connection with the neighbouring province of Treviso. The route is in stages. This section winds through alpine pastures, passing alpine huts and ancient forests where you can experience a magical immersion into nature.

E7 Monte Grappa
Sentiero E7 | © Marco Foltry
E7 Panorama Da Malga Mezzomiglio   Cansiglio

From Monte Grappa to Praderago Pass, from Col de Moi to Pian de Le Femene, from San Boldo Pass to Cansiglio. Along the way, your view will sweep over the Dolomites and Valbelluna to the Venetian Lagoon. The highest point of this section at the Col Visentin mountain shelter is 1,764 metres above sea level. However, the trail offers more than just nature.

There is the chance to interact with local communities, learn about Cimbrian culture and cuisine, pass through some of the sites of the Great War, and taste alpine mountain cheeses. 

Stop often and take breaks to admire the scenery and assimilate the peculiar atmosphere, as this fascinating walk is also intended let you reach different people and get to know different cultures.
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