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Alta Via 8 “degli Eroi”

Alta Via 8 “degli Eroi”

The Alta Via of Heroes passes beside World War I sites. 63 kilometres divided into 4 stages that will take you from Feltre (BL) to Bassano del Grappa (VI) through the area of Grappa massif.

Technically simple, the Alta Via presents few places to stop and rest and thus requires organisational and adaptive skills, due also to the difficulty of finding drinking water. 

The Alta Via starts in Feltre, continues to Porcen, and then ascends a comfortable mule track to Monte Tomatico. From its summit, a panorama of the Valbelluna awaits you with the majestic Dolomites in the background. 

From the wide clearing of Malga Pàoda, the view sweeps over the Pre-Alps ridge with Monte Cesen dominating Piave valley.

The trail, evocative whatever alternative route is chosen, then continues to Malga Dumela. From here we continue to Bassano mountain shelter and, crossing Col de l’Orso, arrive in the heart of Monte Grappa, Sacred to the Homeland.

At Cima Grappa, you can see the Sacrario, a monumental cemetery built in 1935 in memory of World War I casualties.

You can descend on trails and military roads such as “Cadorna” and “Strada Militare di Arroccamento” all the way to Bassano del Grappa.

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