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Local produce and products

Local Produce And Products

Belluno’s territorial and cultural variety is also reflected in its local produce and products, originating from ancient peasant culture. The skilful work of breeders, farmers, local producers and restaurateurs has led to a wealth of genuine flavours all to be enjoyed. The Lamon bean with Protected Geographical Indication, introduced in the 16th century by humanist Pierio Valeriano. It is perfect to eat in soup, salad, or combined with boiled potatoes and fried lard in “Pendolon,” the main food of herders who practised transhumance pastoralism.

Birra Foto Gianni Frescura 01
Birra Foto Gianni Frescura 02
Canederli Alle Erbette Nostrane   Comelico
Cortina Enogastronomia TagliereAffettati
Fagiolo Di Lamon IGP Foto Consorzio
Gialet Presidio Slow Food Foto Associazione Tutela Fagiole Gialet Della Valbelluna
IMG 0132
IMG 0170
IMG 0348
IMG 0517
IMG 0592
IMG 0598
IMG 20190729 152039
Pastin Crudo Malaman
Piave Oro (1)
 MG 9059 (1)

The sweet-tasting Santa Bellunese pumpkin. The crisp, savoury taste of the Prussian apple and small, fragrant berries. The ancient variety of Sponcio corn that, thanks to its characteristics, has managed to adapt perfectly to the difficult climatic conditions of Belluno. The Cesiomaggiore potato that has earned the title of De. C.O. (Municipal Designation of Origin) produce and is suitable for all kinds of preparations. Cadore speck with a flavourful and intense taste.

The Dolomiti Bellunesi Protected Designation of Origin honey produced in many varieties: wild flowers, acacia, chestnut, dandelion, linden, as well as the very special and rare rhododendron honey and fir honeydew honey. Feltrino chestnut is a type of chestnut renowned for it sweet and floury dough, which is compact and cooks well. Finally, the Feltrina walnut, with its thin shell and excellent organoleptic characteristics, which makes many dishes, especially desserts, unique.

These simple produce originate from the traditions of local peasants that has always characterised the mountainous Belluno area. Tasted on their own or in the many local recipes, they will introduce you to the truest and most authentic side of the Dolomites in Belluno.

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