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Fedaia Pass - Giro d’Italia

Fedaia Pass   Giro D’Italia | © ivan corridori

An extremely tough climb, it is considered by cyclists to be the “mythical challenge” of the Dolomites. The Marmolada stands in the background.

Passo Fedaia Giro2022 Ivan Corridori(2) | © ivan corridori
Passo Fedaia Giro2022 Ivan Corridori(3) | © ivan corridori
Passo Fedaia Giro2022 Ivan Corridori | © ivan corridori

The stage of some great achievements, such as the breakaway of “Pirate” Pantani with Guerini in 1998, the climb starts out from Caprile, rises for 1059 metres of altitude difference, passing through Malga Ciapela, until reaching the 2057 metre summit of the pass.

Curiosities and tips

  • In 1993 Chiappucci beat "the Navarro" Indurain on the summit In some sections, the bends have a gradient of over 20%
  • The Giro d’Italia addressed the Fedaia Pass for the first time in 1970. In truth, it should have been part of the route in the previous edition of 1969, but the debut was cancelled owing to bad weather conditions.
  • The Giro d’Italia returned to the Fedaia in 2022 with an exclusive stage, deemed to be “the most spectacular”
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