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Cereda Pass - Giro d’Italia

Immersed in green meadows and woodlands the Cereda Pass connects Belluno with South Tyrol.

The Cereda was at the centre of attention, along with the other famous passes of the great Dolomite tour in one of the toughest stages in the history of the Giro d’Italia, that of 1962. With 20 centimetres of snow on the road, falls were frequent, comprising that of the favourite, Gaul. The stage was then suspended on the Rolle Pass since it became impossible to continue.

It just takes two words to describe the view that surrounds you on this climb: silence and beauty.

Curiosities and tips

  • The Cereda Pass was on the route of the legendary "Ride of the Pale Mountains” on 2 June 1962. During the terrible Belluno-Moena stage of that year, there was a memorable snowfall: as many as 57 participants withdrew and the arrival on the Rolle was anticipated to avoid prohibitive descents.
  • The pass is located along the itinerary of the High Road of the Dolomites no. 2, known as "The Road of Legends": it links Bressanone to Feltre and goes through places that ancient folklore has associated with devils, monsters, and witches.
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