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Villa Sandi Zasso, Maras

Villa Sandi Zasso, Maras | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi

As you drive along the state road that connects Feltre and Belluno, you can’t help but notice an elegant villa dominating the area from above, with Mount Pizzocco and the Dolomites as a backdrop.

It is Villa Sandi Zasso, in Maras di Sospirolo, commissioned in the 18th century by the Sandi family from Venice as a place of vacation and lavish parties and receptions.
Architecture, art, and nature come together in this elegant building, most likely designed by architect Domenico Rossi, and now inhabited by the Zasso family, which has owned it since 1830.

Villa Sandi Zasso Sera | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi
Villa Sandi Zasso Sera 2 | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi

The scenic outdoor staircase will immediately catch your attention along with the elegant façade punctuated by columns, pillars, and pilasters that blends harmoniously with the surrounding landscape.
Be sure to take a stroll on the grounds with their fascinating boxwood maze, terraces, balustrades, and low walls.
This rich estate is completed by a few rustic buildings, a long tree-lined driveway and a small private chapel dedicated to St. Blaise, which all testify to the Sandi family’s appreciation for art and culture.


Bookings accepted for independent tours of only the outside.

Contact information: +39 347 2785873 


  • The Villa now hosts weddings and events.
  • In 1991-1992 some scenes of George Lucas’ film "The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles” were filmed at the villa.

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