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Villa San Liberale, Cart

Villa San Liberale, Cart | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi

Not far from the centre of Feltre, along Viale di Cart, you can see Villa San Liberale or Villa Vellaio in Suni, surrounded by grounds as big as 9 hectares.

Villa San Liberale Retro | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi
Villa San Liberale 2 | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi
Villa San Liberale   Chiesetta | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi
Villa San Liberale   Chiesetta Interno | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi

The villa of the seventeenth century has been remodelled several times over the centuries, with the last a careful restoration in the early part of the 2000s to turn it into a home and a venue for hospitality and events. 
Through the gate and the garden, you will glimpse the simple façade characterized by a stone staircase and you will make out the main building enclosing a large central hall. 

If you head to the back of the villa and, cross the lawn, you should go inside little church of San Liberale, where you can admire the elegant 18th-century stuccoes decorating the walls and the fresco of the Madonna and Child by Giovanni De Min.


  • In the past, the villa has hosted such illustrious figures as Giosuè Carducci, Arnaldo and Erminia Fusinato.
  • Viale di Cart is a road marked by admirable landscapes and is known for its hornbeams and villas.

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