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Villa Fabris-Guarnieri, Tomo

Villa Fabris Guarnieri, Tomo | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi

When landscape and architecture meet, they create extraordinary places. Villa Fabris-Guarnieri, built in the 19th century, is one of them. A few kilometres from the centre of Feltre, the historic building built on an 18th-century layout dominates and blends with the surrounding landscape.

Welcome to a beautiful Italian-style garden, where you can stroll along the paths among boxwoods and statues and enjoy the view of the city of Feltre and the Dolomites. 
From the landscape shift your gaze to the villa, with its façade decorated with 19th-century-style motifs by G. Sommavilla. Your attention will be caught by a curious looking tower that reminds you of ancient medieval watchtowers, some old stables that now house a B&B, and the Church of St. Joseph.

Villa Fabris Guarnieri   3 | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi
Villa Fabris Guarnieri   8 | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi
Villa Fabris Guarnieri   9 | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi

For this small religious building, which was first used as an oratory for shepherds, works were commissioned from important artists of the time: from the altar made by Bernardo Tabacco, to the statues above it by Giuseppe Torretti, to the 4 oval oil paintings, now in the Diocesan Museum in Feltre, made by Sebastiano Ricci, Girolamo Brusaferro, Angelo Trevisani and Federico Bencovich.


Bookings accepted for guided tours of only the outside.

Contact information: – phone: +39 328 817 5881


  • On the façade of the villa, you will be able to recognize the faces of Mazzini and Garibaldi. In contrast, the third character remains mysterious and unknown. One possible guess is that it is taken from Masonic iconography and depicts Hiram Abif, architect of King Solomon’s temple. 
  • Due to its strategic location, the villa has served as the headquarters of military commands on several occasions, particularly in the two world wars. In 1916 General Cadorna also passed through here.

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