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Ethnographic Museums of Belluno province

Ethnographic Museums Of Belluno Province

If you want to learn about local traditions, daily life, crafts, and mountain land management, Belluno’s ethnographic museums will answer all your questions.

Learn about the history of emigration from Belluno province to Brazil and wet nurses in Northern and Central Italy, along with many other topics, covered in the Dolomites Ethnographic Museum, which tells us about the folk culture of Belluno and Veneto from the second half of the 19th century up until today.

Learn more about the evolution of Nordic skiing, from the early decades of the 1900s to the 1960s-70s at the Ethnographic Museum of folk art and traditions in San Vito di Cadore. Be intrigued by the history of the manufacture of nails at the Iron and Nail Museum in Val di Zoldo. Relive the journey of log drivers on the Piave told at the Ethnographic Museum of the Piave’s Log Drivers in Codissago. Find out how stone was extracted from quarries in the Castellavazzo area at the Museum of Stone and Stonemasons
Be fascinated by these and other trifling stories and great stories you will learn about at the ethnographic museums of the Dolomites part of Belluno province.

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