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SANWIDO Azienda Agricola

Cadore Tre Cime Comelico

Cadore Tre Cime Comelico
Az. Agricola
SANWIDO Azienda Agricola, Via II Maggio - 32046 San Vito di Cadore IT +39 346 7729859

The name “SANWIDO” draws origins from the ancient village “schöne Weide“ that in Italian means “bel pascolo” (nice pasture in English).

The company was born in 2017 has 22 hectares of mowing land where it produces organic hay for its dairy goats and 1 hectare planted with potatoes and vegetables, also organic. The chicken are bred to produce eggs and are of an endangered breed: the Tyrolean hen, very rustic and suitable for organic farming.

The company was set up with the intention of bringing agriculture and animal husbandry back into vogue in our country, where until the 1970s there were many rural realities, mainly subsistence, linked to the self-consumption of families and above all to the maintenance of the land.

In fact, they have a point of sale where you can buy our typical products that we produce, such as yoghurt, cheese, cottage cheese, vegetables, etc. Everyone can visit the cowshed, the young goats and watch the milking.

Az. Agricola
Campo e Azienda

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