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04 - Museo di geologia paleontologia e mineralogia

Zoldo - Falcade - Alleghe

Zoldo - Falcade - Alleghe
Museo Geologia e Paleontologia Dolomiti Agordine
04 - Museo di geologia paleontologia e mineralogia, Via V Maggio - 32021 Agordo IT (0039)043762015

Museum of Geology, Mineralogy and Paleontology. 

On the ground floor of the Geology, Mineralogy & Paleontology Museum is a display of minerals and fossils as well as an area dedicated to the history of copper metallurgy, from the early smelting-furnaces to the medieval furnaces used in the Imperina Valley mine. The first floor features a large display area with boards and showcases illustrating the history of the topographic instruments, with a collection of antique instruments together with restored tools and devices. Next to the Museum is the historic location of the Mining Technical & Industrial Institute “Umberto Follador”, institution founded in 1867 by Quintino Sella. This location houses an important scientific collection of some 3,000 samples of minerals, rocks and fossils from important Italian and international mining regions; mining tools and the history of miners' clothing. The collection comprises a collection of documents and photos of local historical interest. The historical location is also home of a permanent exhibition Percorrendo i sentieri del tempo ("scouring the paths of days gone by") which, with the aid of numerous fossils, illustrates the geology and paleontology of the Belluno Dolomites National Park. Finally the permanent exhibition of mining expert Gianfranco Mazzolli, Cinque secoli di storia, tecnologia e ingegno in Valle Imperina ("Five centuries of history, technology and wits in the Imperina Valley"): with various explanatory panels and original maps of the mine from the 17th century onwards.

The historical location of the Mining Technical & Industrial Institute of Agordo (photo Giorgio Fontanive)

Admission free

Time info

Luglio e agosto aperto il venerdì, sabato e domenica 9.30-12.30 e 16.00-19.00.

In altri periodi e orari su prenotazione  0437 62015

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