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Sport Business Forum

An Event Dedicated To All Aspects Of The Sports Economy

Sport Business Forum is a major international event dedicated to all aspects of the sport economy: a meeting and exchange point that will see the participation of leading sports figures, companies and institutions.
This initiative is being developed in the context of the Milan - Cortina 2026 Olympic Games, with the aim of exploiting the opportunity offered by the Olympics to translate it into concrete actions to support the growth of the values and value of sport, companies and territories, reflecting the ‘metro-mountain’ nature of the great five-circle event.
The first edition will be held from 11 to 15 September 2024 in the venues of: Montebelluna (TV), Longarone - Fiere (BL), Belluno (BL), Cortina d'Ampezzo (BL).

Sport Business Forum Protagonisti 1 | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi
Sport Business Forum Protagonisti 2 | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi
Sport Business Forum Protagonisti 3 | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi
Sport Business Forum Protagonisti 4 | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi
Sport Business Forum Protagonisti 5 | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi


The event dedicated to the economics of sport.

Many names from the world of sport will arrive in the Belluno Dolomites for the occasion: gold medalist at the Paris Games with the national women's volleyball team Sarah Fahr; Arrigo Sacchi, Franco Baresi and Gianni Rivera to speak about football, Ivan Basso for cycling, Vanessa Ferrari for gymnastics... these are some of those present.
The Libro dell'anno - Protagonisti dello sport award will be presented. A prize that aims to favour publishing productions that tell, also in the form of autobiography, the personal and career stories of athletes of any sporting discipline.
Sport Business Forum is a project promoted by Confindustria Belluno Dolomiti and Confindustria Veneto Est; organised by Gruppo Nordest Multimedia; with the contribution of Regione del Veneto - Veneto 2024 European Region of Sport, Chamber of Commerce Treviso Belluno, Fondazione Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi - Fondo Comuni Confinanti; with the collaboration of Assosport, Province of Belluno, Municipality of Belluno, Cortina Foundation, Longarone Fiere, Sportsystem Foundation.

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