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Mele a Mel

Valbelluna October 11, 2024

Locality: Centro di Mel, Borgo Valbelluna

Piazza di Mel
Cortile Palazzo Guarnieri

From October 11th to 13th, immerse yourself in a vibrant celebration of local traditions, flavors, and the iconic apple at Mele a Mel! Join us in the charming village of Mel as we open the doors to ten magnificent 16th-century courtyards, each brimming with life and local charm.

These courtyards will come alive with the artistry and creativity of local groups and associations, showcasing the best of our region. Discover a world of artistic exhibitions, traditional crafts, and captivating performances. But the real star of the show is our mouthwatering food and drink. Indulge in a feast of authentic Bellunese recipes, crafted with the freshest, locally sourced ingredients.

Our beloved apple takes center stage, celebrated in all its varieties. Grown organically and bursting with flavor, you'll be tempted to eat it straight from the tree, skin and all!

Explore our bustling market, overflowing with local products and artisanal treasures.

From creamy mountain cheeses and fragrant Dolomite honey to a vast array of beans, nuts, and the unique Bellunese pumpkin, there's something to tantalize every taste bud. Mele a Mel is more than just an event; it's an experience that celebrates the heart and soul of our community. Join us for a weekend filled with flavor, tradition, and unforgettable memories.

Info and contacts of the organizer

Pro Loco Zumellese


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