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Festa dell'uva

Valbelluna September 29, 2024

Locality: Piazza di Fonzaso, Fonzaso

Festa dell'uva

Fonzaso, at about 329 meters above sea level, is located in a privileged position, inside a flat basin surrounded by mountains and has always been an important hub between the roads of Primiero, Valsugana and Feltrino.

Between fires, barbarian invasions, many historical events have been followed by years of famine and pestilence, but Fonzaso, exploiting its countryside and its mountain slopes, has always known how to rise.

Despite the various adventures and misfortunes the population has never stopped cultivating their land, the main resources were the grapes and the silkworm, in addition to wood and hay, these products are now being rediscovered, especially grapes.

Some villagers are bringing back to light many grapes that were once well known. During the Grape Festival there will be an opportunity to taste grappa and wines of the area, the old courtyards will be opened with demonstration of ancient crafts.

There will also be space for sport with the 3rd edition of the team road race and the characteristic parade of the allegorical floats.

Guided tours will be organized to discover the historical and natural beauty of Fonzaso and there will be food stalls with many specialties and good music.


Altri eventi

Fiera della Mela Prussiana

October 27, 2024 00:00 - Valbelluna

Faller celebrates the ancient variety of apple imported in the late 1800 from Prussia

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