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Wooden chalets of Valfredda

Wooden Chalets Of Valfredda

If you are looking for an authentic place, where you can still experience local life of the past made of simple traditions, occupation and contact with nature and animals, Valfredda will give you a unique experience.

Falcade Val Fredda Trekking Estate Ghizzo6 (2)
Valfredda Inverno (2)
Valfredda Inverno (3)
Valfredda Inverno Slitta
Costa Diego1

Its typical Casoni (wooden chalets), used in the past for mountain grazing, create a whole with the surrounding Dolomite landscape for a picture-postcard view. The flat valley is crossed by a convenient dirt road, making it also perfect for a hike with children.

Curiosities and tips

  • Observe the details of the wooden chalets and imagine the past they bring with them
  • The landscape is spectacular but still wild, preserving the authenticity that is being lost in the busier valleys
  • Spring, summer, fall, winter. The landscape looks different in every season!
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