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Village of Bramezza

Village Of Bramezza

At an altitude of 1,450 metres, you can only reach on foot or by bicycle, the Village of Bramezza will captivate you with its mysterious charm and splendid views of Lake Alleghe, Monte Pelmo, and Monte Civetta.

Bramezza Inverno 180dpi
Bramezza  © Luca Chizzali
Panoramica Bramezza Inverno 180dpi
Vista Civetta Da Bramezza 180dpi

The peculiarity of this mountain village, where the atmosphere of bygone times can be felt, are the chimneys reminiscent of the Ottoman style about which various stories and legends are told.

Curiosities and tips

  • One explanation for the chimneys is that Venice confined Turkish prisoners here to work in the Coal mines
  • The village can be reached on foot or by mountain bike, even in winter with snowshoes.
  • It is an easy walk, suitable for families with small children
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