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The El giro de Jore trail

The El Giro De Jore Trail

"Do not count the hours, count the steps if you are walking among these stones, but do not count the steps nor the hours if you seek peace at the church of Jore”.

That sentence is written under the sundial on the façade of the small mountain church in Jore, and it is precisely peace and silence that you will be able to find on this easy hike through the woods above Falcade.

El Giro De Jore 1
El Giro De Jore 2
El Giro De Jore 3

Curiosities and tips:

  • The Oratory of the Immaculate Conception of Jore was built in 1858, partially damaged during World War II and restored in the 1970s
  • In the past, the interior was embellished with numerous votive offerings from people who came here on pilgrimage to ask for pardon It is possible to do the loop tour starting and returning to the village of Sappade.
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