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Casera Ciesamata

Casera Ciesamata

Casera Ciesamata (Casera Casamatta) is a magical, hidden and very scenic place. Below the lower slopes of Civetta, overlooking Lake Alleghe, a clearing at an elevation of 1,610 metres houses the Casera (dairy) and an excellent bivouac.

Casera Ciesamata 1
Casera Ciesamata 2

Both were built over the years by the local Mountain Rescue Service. The ascent to the dairy exceeds an elevation gain of about 650m and is challenging both because of the steepness of the forest and the orientation; however, you are treated to panoramic views of Lake Alleghe and the upper part of Valle del Cordevole or of Monte Piz and the villages of San Tomaso Agordino.

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