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Museo dei sogni, memoria, coscienza e presepi


Museo dei sogni
Museo dei sogni, memoria, coscienza e presepi, Loc. Casonetto - 32032 Feltre IT (0039)0439300180

The Museum houses more than 700 symbols in memory of people and facts of high historical and human international level including a finding of the bombing in Hiroshima, from the Peace Memorial Museum.

With the lands of all countries in september 2014 will be made 199 BRICK OF THE WORLD that will be donated to the Official Representatives of all peoples, in addition to the Secretary General of the UNU, with the idea of reaching out to all the people to symbolize the great value of the richness of diversity, of universal solidarity and brotherhood, in the respect of the national identities.

In the Museum there is the section LITTLE CHRISTMAS CRIBS from all continents. The Christmas Cribs are more than 2000 coming from 149 countries, many of which donated by Apostolic Nuncios and Ambassadors to the Quirinal and the Holy See.

Recent is the collection of waters from the world: a commitment on the prophetic action "The desert will bloom". There are over 700 waters joined by lakes, seas, rivers of all continents and these collected in a large amphora gush night and day, helping to "float" the stones, symbols, keep alive then the dreams of billions of people in the world.

The Museum also hosts every year lots of tematic exhibitions.

Museo dei sogni
Interno museo
24 September 2024 - 24 September 2025: täglich von 09:00 bis 17:00

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