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Festa dei Moroni

Valbelluna 12. Oktober 2024 19:00

Ort: Impianti sportivi comunali di Rasai, Seren del Grappa

"Moroni arrostiti"

The "Moroni" Festival is the perfect occasion to discover the typical chestnut of the area: the "morone" of Feltrino area.

The territory of Feltre is rich in tradition of chestnuts and "morone" and the Consortium of Protection of "Morone" and Chestnuts of the Feltrino area, founded in 1996, aims to recover the ancient chestnut groves and start new ones for the production of totally natural fruits.

The young grafted trees grow next to the secular ones, creating a composite environment, useful for the preservation of all plants. Here are born the "moroni" of Feltrino area, a genuine fruit that is the symbol of the bond with the territory.

At the foot of the Vette Feltrine and the Monte Grappa Massif, are located in an area characterized by ancient wooded areas now cleaned and appreciated for their biodiversity and for the magnificent location.

The traditional festival that celebrates this important fruit of the territory and the enormous amount of work aimed at their protection and conservation, as well as production will have a rich program of events.

From dinners to lunches characterized by typical dishes with local products, from evenings with orchestral music to demonstration rehearsals for lovers of the forest sector is an unmissable appointment for all visitors and inhabitants of Valbelluna!

Infos und Kontakte des Veranstalters

Proloco di Seren


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